I'm a freelance writer and editor based in New Haven, Connecticut, whose contributions have featured in national and local publications from Wine Enthusiast to Seattle Met. Most recently, I was also a senior editor of custom publications at SagaCity Media’s Seattle office, managing dozens of freelance writers and producing Visit Seattle’s Official Visitors’ Guide, Professional Travel Planners’ Guide, and other branded content for high-profile clients. Prior to that, I was editor of the daily news website Eater Maine and then its sibling Eater Seattle, the ultimate destination for foodies in the Emerald City.

My obsession with the intersection of food, drink, and travel began while I was living in Germany, where I fell in love with well-made beer and public transit, and followed me back to the States in time for the rise of American craft beer and other artisanal products. This obsession inspired me to study, create, teach, and write about all things fermented, cultured, cured, and sustainable.

Ich kann auch fließend Deutsch. Ich studierte ein Semester bei Uni Freiburg, lehrte mit einem Fulbright-Stipendium als Fremdsprachenassistent im Gutenberg Gymnasium in Mainz, und arbeitete im Online-Bereich beim Verlag Elsevier GmbH in München. Ich besuche noch öfters Deutschland und schreibe gern über das Land woraus manche meiner Vorfahren stammen.

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